(image via brilliantbutcancelled)
Tracy Morgan is a mess. Not quite a Flavor Flav hot-ghetto-mess, but definitely messy. Buffoonish, even. And we worry about his well-being a little.
Morgan is sort of the anti-Obama; he is the uncle with the purple fur coat that doesn't sit at Thanksgiving table with the other grown-ups. Morgan, disturbingly, seems obsessed with the biological process of impregnation. He even, quixotically, threatened to impregnate Prince! And his clothing seems to come off -- especially his shirt -- at socially inappropriate times (Note to tracy: "Bitchtits" are not a good look for you). Then again, most comedians are broken people; a smile is simply a frown turned upside down.
The idea of an equally damaged but highly talented bleeding heart liberal like Alec Baldwin watching Morgan's back is heartwarming and, we cannot fail to note, vaguely fascinating. It's sort of like watching the Island of Misfit Toys from a safe distance.
Mickey Rourke, it is said, was the grizzled former "It" boy who looked out for the careers of guys like Matt Damon recently, warning the new Hollywood crowd not to fuck their whole shit up. Heartwarming. From NyMag:
"Since 2005, Morgan has been separated from his wife of twenty years and was arrested twice for DUIs. Last year, he was accused of groping a female disc jockey in Miami (he told her he wanted 'to impregnate' her, and allegedly put his head in her lap). He was sentenced to wear an alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet for months. The bracelet was incorporated into 30 Rock as a joke, but Morgan says it was a low point in his life. He felt estranged from friends and was mortified for his three children. But he found a mentor in Baldwin. 'When I got my second DUI, Alec was the main one counseling me. He’s a passionate dude,' says Morgan. 'I don’t give a fuck what nobody say about him, dude been there. You got an opportunity on 30 Rock, he told me. I felt the love when he do that.'"
And from this weekend's NYTimes profile:
"Mr. Morgan’s drinking problem surely contributed to this perception. After a drunk-driving arrest in 2005 and another in 2006, he was fitted with an ankle bracelet in May 2007 that monitored the alcohol level in his blood; that September he was ordered to wear it for an additional 80 days after yet another drinking infraction.
"By then, his '30 Rock' co-stars were concerned for his safety, and Mr. Baldwin warned Mr. Morgan that he was putting his career and his life at risk. 'Alec was the only one that really called me, asked me am I all right?' Mr. Morgan recalled. 'And then he said, Don’t blow it, son."
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