(image via nytimes)
"Joe"-mentum, indeed (Averted Gaze). Not only did Independent Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman survive -- he always does -- but he retained control of his powerful chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. WTF! The man is naught else but unfuckable.
He is very good at the art of survival. Even after two huge failed gambles -- on the Iraq War, on McCain -- Joe remains quixotically relevant. That huge, beefy Lieberman pumpkin-head probably calculates logistical possibilities at many times faster than the average Senator. It is almost impressive, what he does, in a seedy Don King sort of way. Pure, reptilian survival -- Darwinian Joementum.
Senator Lieberman's punishment for assailing President-elect Obama's integrity and crossing party lines to actually speak before the opposition party's convention? Meh, he lost the Chairmanship of the significantly less powerful subcommittee chairmanship of the Environment and Public Works Committee. Said The New York Times, "That penalty was a slap on the wrist compared with the prospect of losing the homeland security leadership post."
Is this cuckolding of the grass-roots worth a possible 60-seat filibuster seat majority? And, absent that, is it worth it to keep caucusing with Lieberman who is simply goofy for the hugely unpopular Bush-Iraq war.
Time will tell ..
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