In: Farah Fawcett. This week began with Trump, but midway through that journey The Donald got hijacked by the Farah Fawcett juggernaut. NBC went into overdrive promoting the documentary. There were lawsuits. There were messages from other celebrities and old friends.
But almost everyone has had an opinion. What was probably most compelling about Farah is that the vivacious, buxom Charlie's Angel -- who sold a then-record amount of posters -- lost her famous hair at one point, and is, according to Ryan O'Neal, in her last days. Hard to imagine that the ravages of Time could affect the countenance of a certifiable 70s Goddess.
Fawcett is also a rather complicated person. She began in jiggle television in the 1970s, the fashionable wife of Lee Majors, but Farah progressed on to take on meaty, serious roles on her own terms. At that point in ones career, after having achieved a modicum of success as an actress, the Meryl Streep-Jane Fonda route would seem to be the logical, and only, place to go.
But not our Farah.
Instead, she did a quixotic Playboy December 1995 "Naked Art Special" photo shoot in which she painted canvases with her naked body. This is not quite what one would have expected from the star of "The Burning Bed." Two years later she rocked our world as Jessie Dewey in Bobby Duvall's indie sleeper hit "The Apostle." Because that's how Farah rolls.
Farah Fawcett is an unpredictable person, and that is maybe why we are all watching. If anyone can find maneuvering room out of the situation of anal cancer, it would have to be Farah. We hope.

Out: Mitt Romney. Former Governor Mitt Romney -- aka "Mittens" -- has officially caught "the bug," that incurable illness afflicting politicians who pick it up on their first campaign trail and never quite recover. Their lives thereafter become an endless campaign for the American Presidency. Romney cannot now help but run for President at any conceivable opening. John Edwards was the same. And before him, Al Gore, Dick Gephardt and the other merry band of also-rans who summer in New Hampshire and Iowa. Romney now tries to affect the sour DarthVaderish tone of Dick Cheney and Limbaugh. From his speech to the NRA (via Politico):
"President Obama, however, is wrong to back away on missile defense. He was wrong to go on Arab TV and claim that America has dictated to other nations. America has sacrificed more than any other nation to free people from dictators. And of course, President Ahmadinejad of Iran seized upon that misstep by our President to call for an apology from America.
"I think the President is going to learn very quickly that abject apologies are always welcomed by thugs and terrorists. But what they need to hear instead is a message of American confidence and American resolve . . .
"He’s released top secret memos about interrogations, but we’re still waiting for other top secret memos that tell us about the attacks prevented by those interrogations. The President has also promised to close down Guantanamo, without giving the slightest indication of the next stop for the killers being held there now.
"And for all of these decisions, he has received the predictable applause from the usual quarters.
"But here’s the problem. That is the very kind of thinking that left America vulnerable to the attacks of September 11th."
Whatevs. The problem, of course, with Romney affecting that particular tone is that it acutely conflicts with his Mormon roots. One cannot appeal to the neo-bigots when one's own origins are suspect. That is probably the only reason why the Limbaughs couldn't ... quite ... come out and endorse him, no matter how much they hated McCain (Which indecision, in effect, effectively won McCain the nomination).
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