Elizabeth Edwards appeared on WNYC's Leonard Lopate show. At one point the host noted that Mrs. Edwards' voice and breathing sounded labored and it was going out over the air. She responded, saying, "this may sound a little bit distasteful, but one of the things they don't tell you (about chemotherapy) is that you don't just lose your hair (on your head), but you also lose your nasal hair." Later, she said, "I have places that look like the map of Detroit on the back of my head ... but I am stable."
Edwards also talked about the affair (Reille Hunter's name, was is the media custom nowadays as per request, was not mentioned). The death of Elizabeth Edwards' son, Wade was also spoken about. Wade Edwards died at the age of 16 in a car accident. All of these topics are tackled in Resilience, Mrs. Edwards' new book.
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