Bernhard and Vanity Fair publicist Sara Switzer. (image via radaronline)
When last we left comedian Sandra Bernhard she was drawing fire from the right for her controversial comments on Governor Palin. Now, Bernhard unveils her private life on -- of all places -- the Howard Stern Show. From HowardStern.com:
"Sandra Bernhard stopped by to promote her latest one-woman show, 'Without You I'm Nothing,' and complained about not being invited to Howard's wedding. Howard replied that he and Sandra hadn't really hung out in a while - he tried a few years back but Sandra always had to watch her kid. Sandra told Howard that her daughter was old enough to leave home alone now, so they should reconnect.
"Howard asked Sandra what she thought made her relationship work, and Sandra explained that she and her girlfriend of seven years frequently go out and find someone to join them in the bedroom. Sandra noted that it could be a man or a woman - and a man's been in their bed as recently as a couple months ago. Bizarrely, Sandra cited Ralph as someone she's been hanging with recently who had a shot at being the next guest in their bed, causing Ralph to call in to say he'd be glad to help out, as Sandra's girlfriend was 'superhot, like Phoebe Cates in her 30s.' Howard congratulated Ralph on 'finally working your way into the ultimate schmooze.'"
We cannot fail to note that the execrable Ralph Cirella, who parlayed his slacker job as Howard Stern's "stylist (Averted Gaze)," into becoming the highly paid shock jock's best friend -- a "position" that paid great sex-dividends when Stern became newly single -- is presently on the make of another celebrity to glom onto. Howard Stern's new best friend is his wife, Beth.
And if you like this post, check out my new postings on insider gossip, celebrity and media for November 1, 2010 here.
I think you mean "paid."
Wow, talk about being ahead of the curve!
yup, I called this one. Let's hope I get credit for it. This blog could use some attention.
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