(image via NYSocialdiary)
We frankly don't know how to pronounce "Euan" Rellie's first name. That, and "oeuvre" evade our linguistic grasp. Our Ugandan palette finds it unforgiving. Watutsi names -- like, say, Mwangaguhunga -- are all clashing masculine consonants; the name "Euan," by marked contrast, strikes us as somewhat .. oily. (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment)
But we know Rellie's important, or, at least, the husband of someone vaguely noteworthy. He's a smaller, but not insignificant satellite in the New York's dazzling social cosmos; he is a shark, albeit a bullshark, in the right cirles. And he's just turned 38. According to Fashionweekdaily:
"'I don�t feel old, more like distinguished,' said Euan Rellie at the dinner party he hosted Wednesday night for his 38th birthday. Joining the dapper gent at Les Deux Gamins were about 60 of his nearest and dearest, including Marjorie and Reza Raein, Vanessa Weiner von Bismarck, Rita Konig, Stacey Bendet, Milly de Cabrol, Rufus Albemarle, Bettina Zilkha, Ann Caruso, Kim Vernon, Bronson Van Wyck, Tracy Taylor, and Mary Alice Stephenson.
"... Following dinner, Rellie was treated to two rounds of dessert. One came in the form of a large cherry-filled chocolate cake, and the other, two lap dancers who did an informal striptease while the banker remained ensconced in a chair. Turns out his wife, Lucy, had ordered them off the Internet site unseen."
Right. Sure. We know something of the Sykes girls. We'll reluctantly cop to having read Bergdorf Blondes. (Averted Gaze) They are, if nothing, a competitive species, those Syke's girls. We can hardly imagine that Lucy would allow a situation involving her husband's pleasure to go entirely uncontrolled. We can only imagine the conversation as going something like, "Hello? Do you have any unattractive strippers? You know, like, with bulletholes and stretchmarks and such? Two skanks who will do the job, but not provoke any serious reaction. It's for my husband, you understand."
We understand entirely, Luce. More here.
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