"At Michael Eisner panel on television: 'Jay Leno at 10pm is the death rattle' for network TV." (Jason Calacannis/Twitter)

"Andrea Wong: NBC decision to move Leno to 10 PM keeps him from other networks; replaces costly dramas in that hour with low cost Leno .. Michael Jackson (of IAC) says Leno @10PM could succeed as national confessional, like Hugh Grant interview, but not with traditional format." (Sam Perry/Twitter)
"'Broadcast networks are not brands.' Michael Eisner." (Morgan Wandell/Twitter)

"Brian Williams puts on his fathers clothes and is about the past. John Stewart matters: is about passion, future - IAC's Michael Jackson" (Peter Hirshberg/Twitter)

(image via pbs)
"Along with several other members of the Atlantic staff, I am at Aspen this week for the fifth annual 'Ideas Festival' .. On Monday evening, the co-hosts -- our own (beloved!) David Bradley of the Atlantic and Walter Isaacson of Aspen -- introduced a session in which a series of speakers gave 'brief' summaries of the one Big Idea they wanted people to bear in mind .. From David Fanning, producer of 'Frontline,' a proposal on the ever-more-agonizing question of how to keep actual reporters in business when newspapers around the world are in economic freefall. His plan was based on a 'good idea,' and a 'bad idea' -- both of which happened to be today's public broadcasting establishment -- which he said could evolve into a 'new idea,' of the public broadcasting system as the linchpin for a new sort of broadcast/print/online news establishment. What made this different from mere institutional self-serving (for a public broadcasting guy): his emphasis that the public broadcasting establishment already had two things that would be hard for some hypothesized new-media system to create from scratch. One is a very dense nationwide network of local stations and reporters; the other was an established funding model in which individuals, corporations, philanthropies, and public institutions were already used to contributing money." (James Fallows/TheAtlantic)

"Niall Ferguson & James Fallows debate whether 'Chimerica' (China+America) will last in its current form." (WVA Attorney General/Twitter)
"Prof. Niall Ferguson: China's youth using internet to develop nationalist themes. China shut down Google two days ago." (Rob McKenna/Twitter)
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