We are, to be quite frank, obsessed by the former Governor of Arkansas. He's country! But that doesn't make him a bad person. And Huckabee has a sassy mouth. Every time he speaks we hear a Bluegrass five string banjo playing the love theme from Deliverance (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). Mike Huckabee is an amusing buffoon. He is entirely a creature of down-home American populism. He is not so much our Thersites as Shakespearean Fool, only without the redeeming quality of Wisdom. And we have an odd fascination with him and his psychological type. Imagine this: the buffoon ran a somewhat credible Presidential campaign, on the super-cheap, just so that he could land a vaguely swishy gig as a high-paid TV pundit.
What does that say about the assholes that actually voted for him?
Anyhoo: we sort of laughed out loud, choking on our Kenyan blend morning coffee, when reading this on Politico this morning:
"Former Arkansas Gov. Mike HUCKABEE: The veep search is like a greatest-hits of boosters and haters from the primaries. Longtime Huck-bashing columnist John Brummett of Little Rock compares the former governor’s subtleness in going after the bid to the cheerleader who wanted to go to promo with the quarterback and 'did a full somersault without wearing any underpants.'"
So. genius.
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