The sinister, liverspotted hand of Henry Kissinger (cue: Bach's haunting Toccatta in D Minor) is seen throughout Bob Woodward's new Bush Administration bio "State of Denial." And on last night's all-too-brief "60 Minutes" cameo, Woodward -- when not bitchsmacking Rumsfeld -- asked aloud if Kissy was still "fighting Vietnam."
But of all the Kissinger-chat, the line, "Victory is the best exit strategy," was the most Kissingeresque, teeming with hubris, aimed more at Historians than at any individual listener. But then, Kissinger has always been more Egoist than Patriot.
It would be wonderful to know what philosophical Realists think of Kissinger -- their Godfather -- consulting with the most Anti-Realist Administration in recenet history. Then again, it would serve Realists right for being so "Naive" as to be Idealistic about, essentially, a philosophy tha emphasizes the "I".
Charmed, I'm sure (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment).
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Great cartoon - love it!
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