(image via Page Six via AP)
Jay Rosen of PressThink (link via Poynter) brings up the curious proposition of a Norman Mailer blog. If Mailer was one of the progenitors of The New Journalism, why not have at the New, New Journalism, namely: blogs? We are duly intrigued by the possibilities. Says Rosen:
"Mailer wrote that at the Huffington Post May 17th. He also said: 'I'm beginning to see why one would want to write a blog.' This was a change of heart. In a December, 2002 interview he was asked if he 'did' the Internet. 'I don�t,' Mailer said. 'That would use up what I have left.'"
Quite the contrary, Normie. Who is more Pan-passionate than The Mailman? Mailer is suffused with "lifeforce." Why, he has been married 6 times and has 9 children! Norm's sentences have an arch-epic quality about them.
Lifeforce is not a zero sum game, especially in someone as energetic as Mailer. But what would a Norman Mailer blog look like, per se? Hmmm:
Ancient Bloggings! posted by 'Norm' on Mon June 27 2005 at 09:00 PDT
Crude thoughts and fierce forces are my state. If only that Michiko Kakutani would get off my pockmarked, writerly ass about that "threefer" remark. I was being glib. Now, as if by magic, PEN America is threatening censure. And, to my consternation, I am one of the last people living who presently actually gives a zipless fuck what PEN thinks. Critics! Extinctus Amabitur Idem!
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Polymorphous Perversity Posted by Normie on Mon June 28 2005 at 14:22 PDT
Angelina Jolie is positively fucky. Just thought I'd throw that out there and let it marinate. I wonder if some sucker American publisher would allow me to do a 6-figure book on her, a la the book/blowjob I did on Marilyn? No. No one's that clueless. Is Harold Evans still at Random House? I wonder.
Ever since my ex wife Adele revealed that I once made passionate love to an African-American transsexual, I have felt liberated to the nth degree. I no longer require that my wives learn to make my eggs and the odd afternoon tuna fish sandwich from my Mother.
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First Lady Posted by Normie on Mon May 9 2005 at 14:22 PDT
Bill Clinton and I both shared my wife, Norris Church. That makes us, I believe the term is: "Eskimo Brothers," after a fashion. I was the better lay. But then, she'd have to say that, no? Just thought I'd share.
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Ok, ok...I feel like a fool bringing in Tim Russert once again into this, but I once did a show with him during which he had Norman Mailer as guest for the entire hour. Tim waited until two minutes before wrapping to unleash the following question:
"Of the novels you've written, the wives to whom you've been married, and your children...which was the hardest?"
Mailer tried hard but he just smiled and conceded.
Russert and Mailer?! Damn, I missed that one.
long time ago--perhaps '99 on Russert's CNBC show.
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