According to that significant cultural artifact, The National Enquirer -- and we can hardly believe it ourselves -- racially ambiguous action star Vin Diesel actually came to the rescue of Kirstie Alley when confronted by ruffians:

"'Fat Actress' Kirstie Alley, tripping the light fantastic with her pooches at an LA park, recoiled in horror when several 20-ish guys started cat-calling stuff like: 'Hey, you're the chick from Cheers ... Man, you really packed on the pounds since then!' Kirstie turned beet-red, trying to ignore the creeps as she packed her dogs into her SUV, but the bullying mouth-breathers kept hurling 'fat' cracks -- until a muscular dude walked up to them and growled: 'You boys have a problem?'"
--no way ...
" ... Slack-jawed, the punks shrank back as action-hero Vin Diesel stepped up in their faces. 'I think you boys owe this lady an apology,' he said evenly. The wanna-be tough guys instantly wimped, apologized to Kirstie, and split. Holding back tears, Kirstie thanked Diesel profusely for his fast and furious gallantry."
We don't know what we are more confused about, Vin's superheroic selfless turn, which is uncommon for former bouncers, who don't usually go out of their ways to be cool to large women, or the fact that The Enquirer actuallykinda wrote a really cool and positive story. Hell will be freezing over, forthwith ...
(Cheers, National Enquirer -- The Corsair hoists an Armagnac)
I totally believe the story......
according to other reports, Vin used to stop other bouncers from pounding troublesome clubbers to smitereens, once they were already on the ground. He seems like a righteous dude all right!
One of those Hollywood typical what you want you think you can get types.Arrogant without a cause. One not to be taken seriously. Really, what do you expect of someone who is almost 40 years old and can't hold a relationship with anyone but his career. He will realize someday that success is not measured by the size of your penis or posessions that you hold but by the true happiness that lies within your heart. Guess who I am??????
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