In: Susan E. Loggans Versus The Schwarzeneggers. Rich people are different than you and I, my dear mellows (The Corsair wanly sips at 1949 Chateau Haut Brion). For one (The Corsair sparks up a Saint Luis Rey Regios), they employ sharp legal teams to argue in pages and pages of legal documents, whether or not The Schwarzeneggers hid the extent of damage to the property they sold to one Susan E. Loggans.

Loggans says the Schwarzeneggers were "false, misleading and deceptive" because there were cracks in the pool that they sold her, and that there was -- eeeew -- mold on the tennis court and in the projection room. They must have been playing Twins in there, fer sure, cause that'll do it. According to TheSmokinggun:
"A lawyer who recently bought a $7.95 million Pacific Palisades home from Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver is suing California's first couple, claiming that they hid damage to the estate's pool and tennis court, as well as a mold problem in the screening room ... Loggans, who is seeking a court order referring the dispute to an arbitrator, did not specify monetary damages in her court pleadings. As a condition of the sale, Schwarzenegger and Shriver inserted a clause in the contract requiring that the sale price be kept confidential. They even paid an extra fee to the broker to 'keep the sale price out of the Multiple Listing Service.'"
Oh, that Kennedy glamour.
Out: Guy Ritchie. Madonna's bitch, er, husband, according to The Dish, is trying to convert George Bush's prayer buddy, the Evangelical Christian Prime Minister of England to his and Madonna's brand of "disgusting voodoo." Yeah, uh, good luck on that, bitchcheeks:
"Madonna's director husband Guy Ritchie plans to talk to British Prime Minister Tony Blair about Kaballah, the mystical offshoot of Judaism.
"The 'Snatch' filmmaker reportedly has contacted Blair to arrange a meeting to discuss the healing properties of Kaballah Water, which he believes would be useful in treating the injured in Iraq, Britain's the Daily Mail reports.
"A close source explains, 'Guy wants to tell the Prime Minister about the fantastic healing powers of Kaballah Water, which could instantly cure wounded soldiers in Iraq.
"'Madonna said it even cured Guy's verrucas.'"
Verru -- What the fuck?!
In: Jude Law. Apparently, Jude Law is so hott, that model-actress Bai Ling, who is currently mulling over a Playboy centerfold offer (say yes, Bai, say, yes), had pictures of the charming cad on the bandages on her kneecaps at the SpikeTV Video Game Awards! According to Oanmedia:

Above: The ouchless bandaid
"Actress Bai Ling wore a short dress and had bandages covering both knees, and explained that her banged up legs were the result of spending twenty hours on her knees on the Canadian set of Man About Town, with Ben Affleck and Rebecca Romjin-Stamos.
"Ling did not, however, explain the photo of Jude Law, who was #69 on some list, covering each of her bandages. Nor, for that matter, did she explain why she didn�t just wear pants or a longer dress to cover up said bandages."
... For easy access, Oanmedia ... geez
Out: Jane, Marie Claire, according to Fashionweekdaily:
"No one likes to be the bearer of bad news, but someone�s got to do it. The year-end advertising page numbers have been released by the Media Industry Newsletter (MIN) and while some women�s fashion and beauty titles can head off to a merry holiday season, others may need to use the time to reevaluate.
"First, the bad news first: Jane closed 813.2 pages, down 7.1 percent from 2003, and Marie Claire netted 1,480.8 pages (-5.7 percent)."
In: In Style, Vogue, Harper�s Bazaar, Lucky, Cosmopolitan, Town & Country, Elle, Glamour. Fashionweekdaily concludes:
"In Style and Vogue placed first and second, respectively, when it came to page numbers. The Time Inc. publication closed with 3,328.1 pages (+9.6 percent) and the Cond� Nast title finished with 3,010.7 (+1.8 percent). Hearst title Harper�s Bazaar posted the largest gain percentage-wise, jumping 30.9 percent to 1,521 pages, while Lucky posted 1,743 pages (+17.9 percent), Cosmopolitan, 162.6 pages (+17.4 percent) Town & Country, 1863.2 pages (+16.6 percent), Elle, 1,874.4 pages (+12.7 percent), and Glamour, 1647.29 pages (+6.8 percent). W, meanwhile, reported page gains in the mid-single digits."
Out: Shar Jackson. What motivates this woman to wake up every day and get her ass whipped by Britney Spears? First Britney took her babydaddy, Kevin Federline (eew). Then Britney took her dignity in a 50s style dance off (sha-na-na). Now, Shar Jackson is going to record, according to Strerogum, and lose out to Britney once again.
damn - Bai Ling better pose for Playboy. She looks cute even when she's bald!
What the hell was she doin' at a video game awards though? Aren't those for nerdy Dungeons and Dragons types?
I think Bai Ling is kind of like Heather Graham. They will attend anything, even the opening of ... an envelope.
Susan Loggans is a woman that thinks she's above the law. She recently lost a $360,000 commission dispute around March of 2006 in A Malibu court room where the honorable Judge Sarmiento heard the 9 day Jury trial. She tried to say that her 27 year old realtor, Chad Rogers (who works for Paris Hilton's father's firm- Hilton and Hyland located in Beverly Hills), was not entitled to a commission on the sale of her $11,500,000 beach home even though he had a single party compensation agreement signed by Loggans protecting him on the commission if the buyer ultimately purchased the property. Loggans is a snake and gives personal injury lawyers a bad name. We salute Chad Rogers for fighting this woman and not taking her "shit". This woman is not to be trusted by anyone. I'm sure the governor feels the same way.
Isn't Susan Loggans the lady that sued Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for selling her a moldy house back in 2004? Did she lose her case? Does anyone have information?
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