Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Senate Dining Room

An interesting post/article about the Senate Dining Room from NYSocialDiary. The Corsair's old friend, the controversial Taki used to say that after the College of Cardinals -- the Princes of the Church -- the United States Senate is the most aristocratic body in the world. And for that reason and that reason alone we find this vaguely interesting ... From NYSocialDiary:

"Coming in second on the power lunch scale is the Senate Members Dining Room. It’s in the Capitol Building itself, lower level, and if you didn’t know the location you probably couldn’t find it, and it wouldn’t matter anyway because you can’t get in unless you are a Senator or the guest of a Senator. There are enough seats to handle all 100 of them should they show up at the same time.

"As with the White House Mess, all the tables are visible to each other, though here more widely set apart. It’s a grand room, but not elaborate. The three-page menu has prices, though they’re reasonable due to being subsidized by you, the taxpayer. There’s the 'Famous Bean Soup' at $6 a cup, the 'Steamed Lobster Salad' at $28 a plate, and, of course, a burger, which in keeping with Washington’s need to overstate the obvious, is called the 'All American Burger' to assure no one confuses it with all those other nationalities of burger."

More here.

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