"It’s official: Conan’s bitter. Tonight, again, his monologue was laced with jokes sticking it to NBC — plus the first salvos that seemed intentionally aimed at Jay Leno. Until tonight, Conan’s mentions of Leno himself were benign, instead focusing on NBC’s plans with respect to both their shows — which Leno has echoed emphatically on his own show. Tonight, that ended. Said Conan: 'Hosting the Tonight Show has been the fulfilment of a lifelong dream for me. And I just want to say to the kids out there watching: ‘You can do anything you want.’ Yeah. Unless Jay Leno wants to do it, too.'" (Mediaite)

"Michael’s yesterday was its old self. Dr. Mitch Rosenthal was lunching with Perri Peltz. The Mayor of Michael’s Joe Armstrong was entertaining Sharon Hoge, Michael Clurman, Jean Halberstam and Chris Buckley, up from Washington. No loss for words at that table, you can be sure. In the corner, Barry Diller. Next to them investment banker Stan Shuman was lunching with his beautiful wife Sydney. Pamela Keogh was here and there. Sara Nelson was presiding over another table; Patrick Murphy with Joanie Jakobson and Betsy Gotbaum (no loss for words there either). Kathy Lee was with Sunny Lucani and Hoda ... Aside from all that, former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford Jr. breezed in with Kammy Moalemzada." (NYSocialDiary)

"In 2006, when Harold Ford, Jr. was mounting an uphill campaign for one of Tennessee's seats in the Senate, private equity man Steve Rattner and his wife, former Democratic National Committee finance chair Maureen White, hosted an event for the young scion of Tennessee politics inside their 25-room apartment at 998 Fifth Avenue. It was a glamorous combination--the smooth, upwardly mobile young congressman and the influential alpha couple--and Mr. Ford went on to raise nearly three million New York dollars for his contest. At the time, no one would have predicted that, just four years later, with a Democratic administration in place, this candidate and that couple would be fomenting insurrection." (Observer)

"Although I’ve been pursuing the fairer sex since I realized boys and girls were built differently, I thank God I have never had the urge to spill the beans about the times I got lucky, and with whom. First of all it’s the quickest way of stopping getting lucky—men who talk are worse than those with crabs, according to Madame Claude, the famous madam of Paris during the Sixties. Plus it sounds awful. I was once in a sauna with three very famous playboys during Edmond de Rothschild’s party in Megeve in 1963, a blast that was designed to last three days and nights. We were recovering and trying to sweat it out when a certain lady’s name came up. She was a famous film star. We all looked at each other because all four of us had stepped out with her. No one said a word except for Jean Poniatowski, descendant of Napoleon’s marshal who died during the retreat from Russia. 'I’ve never met her,' he said, 'what’s she like?' 'Leave the sauna at once,' said Gianni Agnelli, and we all burst out laughing. Jean remained nonplussed. He was the only one who hadn’t gotten lucky and it was Agnelli’s way of pointing this out. But it was as far as it went. None of this detailed crap of today, from both men and women." (Takimag)

"Reshma Saujani is a Yale grad, a former lawyer for Hillary Clinton, and now a contender for Carolyn Maloney's seat in Congress. Last night at a cocktail benefit she raised $20,000 for her campaign, with a little help from her tech-savvy friends.-The event was held at Vault.com founder Sam Hamadeh's Gramercy home. Guests were invited to donate to Ms.Saujani's campaign by using Square, Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey's revolutionary new program that allows you to make credit card payments via your mobile phone. A portion of last night's proceeds will be donated to relief efforts in Haiti." (Guestofaguest)
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