"He’s on his way to an historic health-care win. The stimulus was huge. The market’s back. The left should stop complaining the president hasn’t accomplished anything. Maybe that Saturday Night Live skit wasn’t so funny after all. Four days after Fred Armisen announced that Barack Obama’s signature accomplishments were 'jack' and 'squat,' our do-nothing president did something that Democratic presidents have been trying to do for most of the last century: He celebrated a universal health care bill’s passage through Senate Committee. For good measure, the Dow topped 10,000 for the first time since last fall’s meltdown. Obama’s polling has even ticked up: According to Gallup, he’s more popular than he’s been since summer." (TheDailyBeast)

(image via NYSD)
"From the serene and beautiful Chinese Porcelain Company, I then hiked the two blocks across Park and Madison to Fifth and the Trump Tower where Quest magazine was hosting a book signing for Ivanka Trump and her 'The Trump Card' ... I love going to the Trump Tower. I always associate it with the man. The lobby has the Trump personality: big and grand and all marble and gold and brass and crystal and glitz. It’s mammoth. There’s even a waterfall. At the end of the lobby talking to a blonde was the man himself. Donald Trump has put on a bit of weight around the middle. It’s either the age or the good life. He was talking to Barbara Bancroft. He’s so comfortable with himself that I have to remind myself of what a celebrity he is in the world. Soon after the beautiful Melania appeared with the youngest of the Trumps: Barron. Barron looked like it wasn’t all that interesting but he was going along as if he understood that’s what a Trump does." (NYSocialDiary)

"Despite the rain (more like drizzle) in LA last night, Star magazine threw their 5th birthday bash at Hollywood club Bardot. Umbrellas in hand, pretty faces salvaged their hairstyles and Louboutins as they attempted to dash from their limos to the club in seconds flat. After they had dried off, I was able to talk to some of the evenings attendees, who included Ice-T, Adam Lambert, and Pussycat doll Melody Thornton ... Joe Francis from Girls Gone Wild on allegations that he recently attacked Brody Jenner's girlfriend in a club: "I'll see you in court. Oh, and Brody Jenner has a little penis. That's what Lauren [Conrad] told me.'" (Papermag)

"In these ugly media times, the media party calendar is looking unusually thin this month. Sure, Gourmet is still throwing their party tonight and Cosmopolitan had its own party earlier this week, but the Manhattan magazine party circuit, particularly in October, ain't what it used to be. So, off to Brooklyn we go! Vice Magazine is throwing an absurdly un-frugal Halloween party in Williamsburg on Oct. 31, with expenses totaling more than $250,000, a spokesman for the magazine said." (Observer)

"New York City socials couldn’t wait to get their hands on celebrated photographer Ben Watts’ new book Lickshot as guests including his sister Naomi Watts with Liev Schreiber, Andrew Saffir, Daniel Benedict and many more partied the night away alongside the guest of honor. The party, hosted by Moet & Chandon kicked off Wednesday at the Hudson Hotel where Watts signed copies of Lickshot, a scrapbook full of his signature, gritty street photography…with subjects including skaters, bikers, musicians, models, and the familiar faces of Heath Ledger, Bruce Springsteen, Tobey Maguire, Rachel Weisz, Guy Pearce, Adrien Brody, Lou Reed, Alicia Keys, Benicio del Toro, and many more." (Guestofaguest)

"Howard (Stern) admonished (Star trek's George Takei) for often referring to (his partner) Brad's former, runner’s physique – not just on this show, but elsewhere as well – so George explained: 'What I'm trying to get him to do is...' Howard finished his sentence: 'Lose weight. But you can't do it that way. You're embarrassing him.' George buckled: 'You're right. I'll stop...I wanna get him to at least exercise regularly. I have to search for the musculature.' George added: 'I can't flatter him. He's not what he used to be...he used to be tight, hard.'" (HowardStern/Rundown)
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