Thursday, January 08, 2009

Courtney Love: Actors Are Bitches

Courtney Love is a glorious, rambling mess: angry, ambitious, strong, vulnerable, incoherent, attitudinal, sweet. We just want to wrap our arms around her and tell her: It's okay; it's okay. Love has been at the top of the food chain in Hollywood -- nominated for a Golden Globe -- and she has seen life's bottom, in rehab. Several years ago, this blog sort of came of age following her slow descent into madness on the streets of New York in real time. And though Courtney is off drugs -- congrats, Courtney, btw -- she is still as eccentric as they come. From a must-read interview in, of all places, Heeb Magazine (Courtney is Jewish from her grandmother's side):

Heeb: You’ve been panned, you’ve been adored, you’ve received a Golden Globe nod. . .

Courtney Love: I didn’t really want to be a movie star, and people do not understand that, because everyone wants to be a movie star, but me. Let me tell you something, man. I can’t even stomach (although I do it sometimes) dating actors, because they’re bitches. They’re women. They’re waiting around for someone to call them. You know, part of it’s self destructive as hell, and I guess a lot of people are really shocked by, you know, that kind of conscious decision that I just don’t want to play this game. Let’s also get real about it, you have a very dark, twisted, horrible thing like a suicide happen in your life, and you’re still getting fucked by the industry, but here’s the reality: Every time you buy a Nirvana record, part of that money is not going to Kurt’s child, or to me, it’s going to a handful of Jew loan officers, Jew private banks, its going to lawyers who are also bankers, its going to sixty PAs. I asked my shrink about this — I have a Jungian analyst, but I also have a normal shrink. . . .When I was in rehab, I would watch a show on HBO called The Comeback.

Heeb: I remember that.

Courtney: It had one of the chicks from Friends in it?

Heeb: Yeah, Lisa Kudrow

Courtney: It was brilliant comedy.

Heeb: No one liked it, though.

Courtney Love: It was brilliant. I went up to [Kudrow] outside of Barney’s once and she started to cringe because she saw me, and I think she thought I was coming to beat her up. She was cowering and I was like, 'I just wanted to tell you man, that fucking show is amazing.' That’s what I watched in rehab, I would watch The Comeback, and I would watch Alexander over and over and over again, and just listen to Oliver Stone talk and that’s what I would go to sleep to, Oliver Stone talking. You know, you can listen to Oliver Stone for like a million years and not get bored.

Speak for yourself, Courtney. But we love the subtext of a self-identification with Alexander the Great (And the gratuitous Carl Gustav Jung reference), and, quite frankly, we love us the disturbing image of the rambling Court Love causing the dreadfully shticky Lisa Kudrow to flinch like a bully in the playground. And we really want it all to work out with her. The interview here.

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