Saturday, May 19, 2007

Jude Law's 10 Hour Cannes Bender

Eurotrash; that's what he is. Jude Law is one of those hideous British imports -- think: Hugh Grant(Averted Gaze) -- that are as hard to get rid of as a robust case of the clap. He comes to our side of the Atlantic with a plummy accent and a small wenis and he expects us to simply and over our women for his colonial inspection? Hardly. We're calling him on it. This, from the 3AM Girls, who lived up to their reputation, reporting on the Nanny-loving, Ashlee Simpson scoffing, Jude Law's moist wherabouts at .. 5:30 AM:

"JUDE Law has done Hugh Hefner proud. The Breaking And Entering hunk stumbled into a hotel lift at 5.30am yesterday with two scantily-clad blondes he'd picked up at a Playboy party.

"The Hollywood heart-throb was spotted being propped up by his latest admirers after wooing them during a 10-hour bender in Cannes."

Sienna Miller, we can only imagine, is once again, somewhere, turning "puce." Further:

"Our spy at the Playboy Legacy Collection bash, held in the VIP Room club in honour of serial Playmate Pamela Anderson, tells us: 'It was really wild.

"'Jude and James (Blunt) actually had their arms around two blondes each for most of the party. By the end of the night they were both getting very close to the girls.

"'Jude's hands were wandering and he just couldn't stop smiling. Both he and James looked like they were in heaven.'

"It's little wonder that Jude and James were in such high spirits - their bar tab came to £2,000.

"'...Jude and James were trying to have a chat,' we're told.

"'But they'd had so much to drink they couldn't understand each other...

"'So instead they went back to canoodling with the girls.'"

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