Friday, May 18, 2007

Nancy Grace is More of a Hilbilly Than We Realized

Of all places we never thought we'd see a languid-tongued cracker like Nancy Grace being interviewed by the genteel writers at It just seems .. unnatural. It's sort of like asking for Possum on the Wednesday Michael's lunch menu. But there she was, glorious in her Hilbilly, proving what we already knew of her by answering seriously-posed questions in a tone suggesting an afternoon spent in strenuous "cousin-loving (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment) fortified by Grampy's hundred-proof moonshine. From the swell gang at Mediabistro:

"What do you think of Amy Poehler's impersonations of you on Saturday Night Live? Have you ever spoken to her?

"I haven't spoken to her, but I was totally flattered. It was a big day in my life when I made it into their Prince segment. I actually scared Prince. I'm a huge Prince fan so that was a big moment for me.

"You've also been parodied on the soap Passions with a character named Grace Nancier and someone else played a character based on you on Boston Legal. What gives?

I understand I got hit in the head with a shovel (on Boston Legal) but then I appeared on TV with a huge bandage on my head -- like a vampire. I'm flattered.

"How would you say you've got to where you are?

"[Long pause]. Hmmm. I would say one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. I always remind myself when I'm tired and going to my second job that it beats digging ditches. That kind of keeps me going. [Laughs]."

That ... and some athletic "cousin-loving." (Mediabistro)

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