Wednesday, July 13, 2005

A Little of the Old In and Out


(image via Fashionweekdaily)

In: Interns. The brilliant folks at Fashionweekdaily take a look at the first internships of the boldfacers. For example, we learn that Euan Rellie ( you know: Lucy Syke's manbitch), while interning at JP Morgan Securities in London, "fell in love with investment banking.� (Zzzz) Charmed, I'm sure. (Averted Gaze) But the most intersting internship by far -- more for what is not said than was actually said -- is Lizzie Grubman's, who interned at CBS (now Sony) Records:

"�I hung out with Charlie (Welk of CBS Records). We were in the process of working with Mariah Carey on her first record, and Michael Bolton as well. I went on tour with Charlie and New Kids on the Block. Since I was at Northeastern at the time and the New Kids on the Block were from Boston, I did a lot with them."

We're sure she did. (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment) Tomorrow, the busty Shoshanna Lonstein-Gruss speaks of her -- wink, wink -- "first time."


(image via museosatira)

Out: Kissinger, Cabinet Member. According to Page Six, who hears, "THAT Henry Kissinger recently approached Al Sharpton at the Four Seasons and asked, 'How come you never included me on your dream team of [presidential] Cabinet members?' Sharpton apologized with a grin and assured Kissinger he'd wel come his foreign policy advice if he ever inhabits the White House."

That event would occur, in case you're wondering, when Eurosleazoids Liz Hurley and Hugh Grant stop sex-grifting. Doubtful, to say the least. Still, one wonders what Sharptonian "face time" with Henry Kissy would sound like. One wonders ...:

"President Sharpton: Henry, the Chinese problem is increasingly becoming an issue.
"Kissinger: Indeed it is, Mr. President. If I may offer some advice: China will eventually envelop Taiwan. Alas, there is nothing we can do to stop this world-historical certainty. Not unless we are willing to antagonize a nuclear Beijing. They are willing to wait a hundred years to do so. I was told as much by Mao. It would be to our advantage if the position of the United States would be that Taiwan must keep some semblance of its democratic institutions in the eventuality of a Chinese takeover.
"President Sharpton: What the fuck are you talking about, Henry. When I said "The Chinese problem," I was speaking about the lunch menu. Keep it heezy."

And so on.

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In: LaundrySpa. Founded by The Corsair's brother, Fred Mwangaguhunga and the most excellent Natoya Green, LaundrySpa has garnered some major publicity for a company less than a year old and we couldn't be more proud. Daily Candy writes:

"If only there were a magical laundry fairy who could wash your clothes for you. (And don't even think it � Mom does not count.)

"Send your clothes to the newly launched Laundry Spa instead. They'll pick up and deliver your duds like any regular laundry service � with a few critical extras. (You're not the only one who could use a little pampering now and again.)

"Clothes are sorted by type, shrink-wrapped, and delivered in a canvas tote. (Dingy bras and frat-house tees never had it so good.) Aromatherapy options (like lime or lavender scents) are available. And your beaded tank is safe: These diligent folks actually read special-care instruction labels and aren't afraid to hand wash. (Which is more than we can say for you.)

"Evening and weekend hours? No problem. Forty-eight hour turnaround? That, too. (Your clothing shortage will no longer interrupt your social surplus.) A strict no-tipping policy makes for a guiltless leave-it-with-the-doorman option.

"It's that simple."


Above: That illustration (via NYTimes)

Out: FrokyGate. Have you, like I, had it up to (points to chin) -- here -- with all things "Froky"? Lindsayism and Rachel at FishbowlNY throw light on the Blacktable response to that godawful Times Style section's Modern Love column, authored by the man whom Lindsay describes as a real "pussy boy." Rachel sums it up:

"Oh no - it's everyone's worst nightmare, or at least everyone who has ever dated a writer: Opening up the New York Times Sunday Styles section and seeing your ex's version of the relationship in the 'Modern Love' column. Thank goodness, it wasn't you who read this in the Paper of Record: 'We invented elaborate skits that usually ended in incredible sex and intimacy' and 'it wasn't enough to make a frog ribbit, you also had to do a ribbit and face of an emotionless frog, then the sound of an emotionless ape, then an ape pleading for emotional connection, then you had to stage a stare-down of emotionless frog versus pleading ape.' Hot? Perhaps, but please, keep it to yourself.

"Who wouldn' be mortified? (Especially with that illustration!)Thank goodness for the redress of The Black Table, where the ribbity woman in question - who may or may not have screamed 'God, why do you shut me down all the time!' and burst into tears - tells her side of the story."


The downright "sessy" Phoebe Eaton at Geoffrey Bradfield's townhouse. (image via NYSocialDiary)

In: Geoffrey Bradfield�s new townhouse. According to our favorite social chronicler David Patrick Coulmbia's NYSocialDiary:

"I went down to Geoffrey Bradfield�s new townhouse in the East 60s about seven-thirty that night ..

". .. Geoffrey is a major host here in New York. As long as I�ve known him, he�s one of the few individuals in this great city of ours, man or woman, who fairly frequently throws large dinners or cocktail parties either at home or in restaurants or in both.

"Since I first met him, about the same time I met Kristina Stewart (I had newly returned to New York from Los Angeles myself), he�s had four different houses � an apartment in the Sherry-Netherland, an apartment in the newly renovated old Mayfair Regent Hotel, an apartment in the old Horace Trumbauer designed Drexel mansion on East 62nd Street, and now this four-story townhouse which he moved into a couple of months ago. All beautifully designed, furnished and equipped. He threw a housewarming cocktail reception for himself when he moved into this new house, and afterwards took about a hundred fifty guests over to Donatella David Burke for dinner.

"... His new house which no doubt we�ll see in full in one of the major shelter magazines, has a very strong use of whites with the accents of silver (or mirrors) and some gold. Clean, brilliantly lit, modern, spacious, and dramatic."


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