"Competitive open seats usually follow the direction of the overall cycle, so with House Republicans poised for large gains, it should be no surprise that most of the open seats that flip will be headed their way. The districts at the top of the list are more likely to flip, with at least the first half-dozen looking like no-brainers. Tennessee’s 6th. Democratic Rep. Bart Gordon’s retirement hands this seat to state Sen. Diane Black, who won Thursday’s GOP primary very narrowly. Even the Congressman has long acknowledged that his party has little chance of retaining it in November. Louisiana’s 3rd. House Democratic strategists knew that if Rep. Charlie Melancon (D) ran for Senate they would probably lose this seat in the fall, so their game plan rested on keeping Melancon in the House. But the likelihood that redistricting would damage his House prospects in 2012 probably helped persuade him to run for the Senate this year. Former Louisiana Speaker Hunt Downer (R) looks like the obvious successor. New York’s 29th. Former Rep. Eric Massa’s embarrassing personal behavior and subsequent resignation opens up a district that leans Republican but has also elected Democrats ... " (CQPolitics)

"Last week, everyone faked the fun at the Christmas party, in an episode (of Mad Men) in which everyone was playing parts to get what they wanted, whether it was Peggy pretending to be a virgin, or Roger pretending to be a good sport. This week tees up three characters — Don, Lane, and Joan — who very much want fresh starts in the New Year of 1965. Only, 'nobody knows what’s wrong with themselves,' says the blonde Berkeley student, even if 'everyone else can see it right away.' Sounds dark, but this episode’s actually not: Does Lane Pryce slap a steak on his crotch and scream Yee-haw? Does Don do manual labor in his boxers? As Don says, 'Does Howdy Doody have a wooden dick?' The episode begins with Joan, unhitching herself from metal stirrups ... " (NYMag)

"After partying in St. Tropez for two weeks, Dasha Zhukova -- the art-dealing girlfriend of Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich -- and their baby son, Aaron, took Roman's 337-foot yacht Luna to visit her father, Alexander Zhukov, in Sardinia. Meanwhile, Roman, who owns the Chelsea Football Club in England, is cruising Scandinavia on another big yacht he owns, The Eclipse, which at 557 feet is the largest private yacht in the world." (pageSix)

"I had lunch last week at Swifty’s with Priscilla Rattazzi, who has just published a memoir about her family’s dogs called Luna and Lola (Callaway, Publishers). Priscilla is a fairly new friend. Actually I have not known her long enough or well enough to call a 'friend,' but she is one of those people who is so there that I feel I know her the way we know our friends. She’s Italian. Italian Italian. She’s even a member of that famous Italian family, the Agnellis, the Fiat people. Her great-grandfather was the founder. Her uncle was the famous Gianni Agnelli. Her mother, Susanna Agnelli, always known as Suni, was one of his sisters. Priscilla’s book is dedicated to her mother who died at 87 a year ago last May." (NYSocialDiary)
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