Monday, January 12, 2009

Why MoDowd And Geffen Hit The Clintons So Hard

Nick Summers, who covered the Clinton campaign, and Evan Thomas, the editor-at large of Newsweek, were on The Leonard Lopate Show this morning. Both were promoting "A Long Time Coming," some of the reporting on the campaign that came from Newsweek. Some tidbits:

-- On the Giuliani campaign -- and the false buzz -- upon which this blog continually called shenanigans: "That was the punditocracy getting it wrong."

-- David Geffen told Evan Thomas that the reason he gave Maureen Dowd the interview is because he thought that Bill Clinton's continuing philandering -- "that was the subtext of the (column)" -- would blow up in the face of the Democratic party in the general election.

-- When Obama was elected he went to McCain and said, essentially, "I want to be like you" -- this according to Evan Thomas -- and McCain then invited the President-elect to meetings for reformers in the Senate. Obama went to a few of the meetings, but the Senate Democratic leadership told Obama, according to Evan Thomas "hey, you're going to play for us, not him." Afterwards, Obama no longer attended the meetings. According to Thomas, McCain sent Obama a "mocking" letter" worded by Mark Salter, on Obama's failure to follow up on reforming American government.

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