Monday, January 12, 2009

Prince Harry, "Tough Guy"

Clearly the copper-topped Prince Harry -- who allegedly is the "love child" of the also red haired Captain James Hewitt and Princess Di -- is a bit fucked up in the noggin. And profoundly insecure. He's been down this bigot road before, this Prince Harry. The rebelliousness of racism spoken aloud is the "tough guys" delight. That, and the general stink of loserness and aggression that hovers about their oily personas like a nimbus of stinky cheese.

The newest Royal fiasco involved a videotape of Harry, in the British military, being a "tough guy (The Corsair puffs his chest out)." As disgusting as the whole musky testosteronal tough guy thing is, it is -- for better or worse -- the general rule for conduct in the military, that most hyper-masculine of social institutions. Existential insecurities of the situation, thats all it is. Those insecurities of facing death on a daily basis are processed and sublimated in the macho mind as braggadocio, misogyny and, often, drunkenness. Prince Harry, already pretty existentially shaky, indulged. From the extremely downmarket newsoftheworld:

"ROYAL rebel Prince Harry today stands accused of racism in a bombshell home video as he swaggers in front of his army comrades.

"The soldier prince pours shame on the Royal Family as he calls an Asian squaddie 'our little Paki friend' and tells another officer cadet jokingly wearing a camouflage veil off duty: 'F*** me, you look like a raghead' —an offensive term for an Arab.

"Harry, 24, third in line to the throne, also mocks the Queen—who is Commander-in-Chief of the British Army—while acting out a mobile phone call to her in front of other cadets at a field camp in Cyprus.

"They laugh out loud as the disrespectful Prince pretends to get bored talking to his grandmother and dismissively hangs up on her saying: 'Send my love to the corgis. I’ve got to go, got to go, bye. God Save You . . . yeah, that’s great.'

"He even jokes about the colour of his pubic hair with one soldier in the middle of giving orders."

Why do we feel more sadness for Harry than any real fiery disdain? Could it be the fact that he is so obviously just a young man in pain? Perhaps Prince Charles and Harry should -- if these rumors are true about Captian Hewitt -- just come clean and admit his true parentage (no one is responsible for being born) and blame his general fucked up-edness on the published chattiness of his alleged father on his mother's seduction and get him some therapy to deal with his baseless insecurities.

Then we can move on.

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