Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Jesse Jane: I Had Sex With Tommy Lee While Paul Oakenfled Was DJing

Occasionally even the thoroughly man-skankish Tommy Lee (Eew)can surprise. While the perpetual headbanging adolescent "dated" porn star Jesse Jane -- no surprise there -- he engaged in an act of public sex, at a club, quite possibly endangering his own fledgeling-quixotic DJ career in the process (at least at that particular location). From Men's Athletic Quarterly magazine:

"MAQ: What is your craziest public sexual experience?

"JJ: Probably at Avalon up in the spider room when I was dating Tommy Lee. We had sex while Paul Oakenfold was spinning. We did it in front of everybody in the VIP room watching the crowd dance below us. It was crazy."

With Tommy Lee it is always the spider room, even when you are not actually in the spider room, no? If Kafka's Samsa metamorphosed into a bug how long before Motley Crue's Tommy Lee transforms into a fully blown man-Chimp? We await that inevitable occurrence with rapt attention.

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