Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Will Palin Become The White Oprah, Or "The Whoprah"?

(image via mattbors)

Mike Huckabee never really wanted to become President, dear reader, he wanted to become a well-paid talking head. We believe, without too much condescention, that Governor Mike has done damn well for a man who used to cook squirrels in a popcorn popper (Averted Gaze). And lethargic former Senator Fred Thompson always seemed more stoked by the lucrative idea of replacing Paul Harvey than becoming the 44th president of these United States (a position, we think, his wife coveted more). There is nothing hypocritical about free-markey Republicans valuing money.

Could Sarah Palin win the American Presidency in 2012? There is a steep, steep learning curve in foreign policy (10 years, some say), which Palin never mastered in this election cycle. Fine; few people could. Given four more years of reading Foreign Affairs, it is not inconceivable that Governor Palin could master the basics and come off as far more competent, with a coherent, Reaganesque view of geopolitics. The Republican party -- being profoundly hierarchical -- would, in the instance of a more intellectually convincing unveiling, place Governor Palin at the forefront for the nomination next time around.

But Mitt Romney is a far, far smoother candidate than Governor Palin. He fairly reeks of the musk of Reagan (which, incidentally, stinks of Brylcreem and freshly cut lawns). Also, Romney has an extensive background in business and international management in addition to his Palinesque executive resume and could return in 2012 as the silver knight on a white horse should the economic situation worsen dramatically. Romney's only drawback would be his Mormonism, which, also conceivably, Palin -- who doesn't seem to have the shame reflex -- might exploit among the less educated in the electorate (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). If we were to break out the crystal ball at this far remove, a Romney/Ridge or even a Romney/Jebby Bush ticket seems far more likely than anything Palin. But you never know ...

Then, what of Alaska's governor?

As a bona fide celebrity, Sarah Palin would be perfect casting in the role of the American talk show host. Tina Fey joked on SNL that Palin might hedge her bets as either the GOP nominee in 2012, or the white Oprah. And Fey, as always, wasn't too far off the mark on things pop-cultural. Palin, whether at Fox, or in syndication (Walden Media?), would be a hit with the right. She -- and her colorful family -- have proven People magazine cover-friendlyy. And her story, and style, and personality are compelling. She is disarmingly informal, chatty, in possession of an aura of friendly authority and -- interestingly -- is quite comfortable around the alpha males. Clearly the Governor -- a former "Communications" major -- had ambitions in broadcasting. Have the fires of those former ambitions wholly exhausted themselves?

And then there is a question of money. Public servants oftentimes take a pay hit. Republicans, particularly, are conscious of the financial opportunities lost in public service. The Governor has a growing family and no one would begrudge her maximizing her financial opportunities. Is it worth it to put the next four years on hold for the possibility of the Presidency or, as Owen Wilson's character said in "Meet The Parents," strike while the iron is hot.

Besides, the coming financial crisis and America's declining role on the global stage is not going to make the position of President as glamorous as it was in the past. Those days of rosy Empire are gone. Might Sarah Palin, like Huckabee but with more cash-cache and glitz, go the route of the celebrity? It would be an interesting maneuver in celebrity politics.

Could Sarah Palin be the white Oprah, or "Whoprah"?

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