Monday, November 03, 2008

Will Ben Affleck Run For Congress?

There has been talk among the chattering classes that Ben Affleck might run for Congress someday in either Massachusetts or in Georgia's first district where he owns a home. Every 4 years Affleck -- whether or not he has a project or Starbucks to shlock -- comes out of the woodwork to present himself as one of those celebrity political experts. During the 2004 election one of Affleck's political observations in, of all places, Harper's Bazaar, was that Vanessa Kerry -- John Kerry's daughter -- was "absurdly beautiful" and compared her to a "Nordic milkman's daughter, with her flaxen hair (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment)."

"My fantasy is that someday I'm independently wealthy enough that I'm not beholden to anybody, so I can run for Congress on the grounds that everyday people -- be they singers or poets or bankers or lawyers or teachers--should be in government," he told GQ in May 2001.

What about Ben Affleck, celebrity pundit, and his voting record? He didn't vote in 2000. Nor, more accurately, did he vote from 1990 to 2001. If he does run for Congress -- and considering his acting in "Pearl Harbor" we would recommend the career changer path -- he appears to be veering more conservative this election cycle. On Bill Maher recently he was nearly bullish on Governor Palin, going out of his way to defend her indefensible lack of intellectual curiosity. Does this mean that Affleck is looking to the political winds in Georgia's first district for a future run?

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