Monday, November 03, 2008

Cindy Adams Wrong On Nancy Reagan Supporting Obama "Whispers"

(image via msnbc)

Although Cindy Adams knows the what-what about whispers on cucumber sandwich circuit among NYC's Republican elite, she gets it quite wrong today. From NYPost:

"WITH McCain having schlepped out the last minute heavy artillery - in the person of heavy-duty stand-ins like A. Schwarzenegger - question is, qué pasa with that other major West Coast Republican big name, top GOP star of them all, Nancy Reagan? Despite her fragility, she could've had a message, a surrogate, a video clip, a phone call. So? What? Why? How come? East Coast know-it-alls whisper she's supporting Obama. You're told: A) she's not really all that close with McCain and B) she's a prime supporter of stem-cell research, and he's not. Is what you're told."

Cleverly Adams distances herself from the "whispers" by calling them whispers. No names mentioned. But reason "B" for Adams -- that McCain is not a stem cell research supporter is wrong. Nancy Reagan, who has been a friend of McCain for 30 years, endorsed the Arizona Senator in March.

A little research, Cindy, would have unearthed that above-ground seal of approval.

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