Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Sarah Palin Convention Speech Drinking Game

(image via drudgie-poo)

Tonight's the night Governor Sarah Palin almost certainly beats the stuffing out of "The Media Elite." But will that play in "Pennsyltucky"? Probably. Drown your sorrows in an adult beverage while you are watching Steve Schmidt's masterplan of turning the swing states against Obama by using "The Chattering Class." The rules:

Take 1 drink every time the word "The Media," or "Regular Family" is mentioned.

Take 2 drinks every time "Sexism" is mentioned.

Take 3 drinks every time "Guns" or "The NRA" is mentioned.

Take a swig if the name "Jesus" pops up.

Chug if "Rumors" or "Blogs" or "Angry Left" is mentioned.

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