Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Media-Whore D'Oevres

(image via gammablog)

"Swoon, the New York based graffiti artist, hit land last night with her fleet of seven floating sculptures, and is giving a special performance at Riverside Park (Pier 1 at 70th St.) at 8 p.m. tonight. They set out from Troy, New York three weeks ago, floating down the Hudson for their project, Swimming Cities of Switchback Sea, stopping along the way for musical and theatrical performances. Tonight marks the first New York City stop of the voyage, and the last performance before finally docking at Deitch Projects in Long Island City." (Papermag)

"ARTHUR 'Pinch' Sulzberger is being dragged kicking and screaming into the messy defamation lawsuit Donald Trump has filed against New York Times Sunday business editor Timothy O'Brien. A Manhattan judge has ordered the baby-faced publisher to submit to a deposition by Trump's lawyers, who believe he'll bolster their case that O'Brien slimed Trump in 'TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald.' In his 2005 book, O'Brien asserted Trump was worth just $150 million to $250 million. Trump insists he's worth billions and says O'Brien hurt his reputation." (PageSix)

"The story of the day out here in Minneapolis is the McCain campaign's war against the press. This has been building for some time. Those of us who have criticized the candidate--and especially those of us who enjoyed good relations with McCain in the past--have been subject to off-the-record browbeating and attempted bullying all year. But things have gotten much worse in recent days: there was McCain's rude, bizarre interview with Time Magazine last week. Yesterday, McCain refused to an interview with Larry King, for God's sake, because Campbell Brown had been caught in the commission of journalism on CNN the night before, asking McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds what decisions Sarah Palin had made as commander-in-chief of the Alaska national guard. (There was an answer that the unprepared Bounds didn't have: she had deployed them to fight fires.)" (JoeKlein)

"WHICH high-profile restaurateur has been introducing top models and ex-beauty queens to billionaire playboys? The wealthy bachelors will get a chance to express their gratitude when the restaurateur asks them to invest in his business .." (PageSix)

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