Monday, May 12, 2008

Ed Rollins: The Huckabee Floating Cross Was Free Media

Stinking Little Fixer and Machiavellian Republican operative Ed Rollins, who advised the quixotic campaign of former Governor Mike Huckabee all but admitted, belatedly, on the April 29th edition of Doug Muzzio's City Talk what most of us already knew: that floating cross in the Presidential ad was pre-planned. The campaign, which was cash-strapped, ran the ad to get free media attention. Since then Huckabee has lied -- sin! -- about the plan, saying that it was only a coincidence (via WashPo: "At an event in Ames, Bob Vander Plaats, his Iowa campaign chairman, introduced Huckabee ... 'There was no hidden agenda,' he said in Ames of the ad. 'There was no floating cross. That is a bookshelf, but if people are seeing the cross in it, so be it.'"

Very low-grade piece of ass stuff, to be sure. But not as bad, we cannot fail to note, as giving African-American preachers "walking around money."


  1. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Did you watch the Rollins CUNY interview? He says nothing like you say about the cross. All he does is agree with the host question that it was perceived as a cross. Where's the admission? None there.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I watched the interview a second time and came away, as the first time I watched it, with the impression that the "free media" that Ed Rollins courted was the cross. He did not say it explicitly, but that was, to me, the implication. I think you are being entirely disingenous "Anonymous" in writing "He says nothing like you say about the cross."

    Ron Mwangaguhunga

  4. NOTE: I've amended "admitted" to "all but admitted" to clarify my understanding of what Rollins was saying, though was not actually said.
