Monday, April 14, 2008

Will Oprah Cut Ties With Dr.Phil?

(image via talkingnfl)

We never quite got the appeal of Dr. Phil. And his quixotic association with Oprah, quite frankly, is even more bewildering. Shouting at a person, as Phil often does, until they break down and conform themselves to the oily will of The Crowd does not impart Wisdom. Quite the contrary. That only conveys Force. And the two are incommensurables.

There is nothing about Phillip Calvin McGraw that suggests "massive cognitive knowledge." Although we could see how that vast cranium might betray that impression (Averted Gaze).

According to Dickipedia, "Dr. Phil attended college on athletic scholarship, playing linebacker for the University of Tulsa. On November 23, 1968, his team found itself on the losing end of a 100-6 defeat. To this day it is one of the most lopsided losses in college football history. Dr. Phil blames the team’s poor performance on 'stinkin’ thinkin.'™" And whatnot (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment).

Anyhoo: MSNBC's Scoop, musing on how the Dr.Phil show could regain Oprahesque credibility in the wake of the fact that they posted bail for one of the internet beating kids in order to book them on the show, posts: "Rumors about Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo productions cutting ties with Dr. Phil have been circulating for months, but even if Harpo did pull out, it’s still CBS TV Distribution that does the day-to-day production of the show.

"Credibility concerns seem to be front and center at the moment. 'People don’t trust him like they used to,' another source revealed. 'The Britney incident was beyond embarrassing for the entire show. How do you bounce back from this?'"

Indeed. More here.

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