Monday, April 14, 2008

Governor Hillary? Senate Majority Leader Clinton?

(image via msnbc)

New York Times Op-Edder David Brooks -- or, as we like to call him, "Brooksie" -- suggested in the "Tell-Me-Something-I-Don't-Know" segment of Sunday's The Chris Matthews Show that Senator Clinton might be offered a run for Governor of New York if her Presidential run runs dry. "Efforts," Brooksie said, are being made by higher ups to make that happen.

Curiously, Eleanor Clift, a former Clintonista turned Obamaniac, suggested in the "Predictions" segment of The McLaughlin Group (We know, we know, we watch too much Sunday morning teevee) that Senator Clinton may be offered the Senate Majority Leadership position -- which she has been sort-of offered before -- after the largely ineffective Harry Reid, should her Presidential run go awry. A consolation prize, you see.

The Governorship, to be sure, would be a no-brainer, as Clinton has won record statewide numbers in her two Senate runs (As Erie County goes, so goes the State ..). But we think that might fuck with the ambitions of Andrew Cuomo, a family friend, who, Robert Novak has reported (2nd item), is lying in the tall grass waiting for a chance at Albany's top spot in 2010. But Hillary Clinton, as we have said before, would be a magnificent choice as Senate Majority Leader, building coalitions, legislating -- two of her strongest talents in the United States Senate. And if she had a workable majority and a Democratic Obama as President, well, then. Power. It goes without saying ...

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