Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Al Gore on 30 Rock?

(image via southofflorida)

WTF?! Are we lying doggo in Bizarro universe, or what, keemo sabe? US-Soviet relations are presently at a Cold War level of frost and Al Gore is doing guest starring cameos? W-to-theT-to-the-F?!

Granted, Tina Fey's project is absolute comedic genius, but we need someone to undo some of the cosmic slop in which this White House has ensorcelled us. Al Gore must needs to run for President (And we're not going to repeat this entreaty again), not make gazillions -- of which he already has more than enough -- from those corporate boards, peppered with guest-starring roles, just to show that he has Hollywood cool. Your nation has one last mission for you, soldier.

It is beginning to smack of the "Me-Generation" smugness -- especially that Hollywood-Silicon Valley angle -- that he slathered himself with during the 2000 election. From Radaronline:

"Sources close to the production of NBC's 30 Rock say former Vice President Al Gore has recently taped an appearance for an upcoming episode."

If Gore keeps up this selfish behavior, we may have to mount a campaign against him getting that Nobel Peace Prize -- the king of all knick-nacks. Gore's hard Tennesse head might explode if he gets it as well as that Oscar, and now, to be sure, this most intellectually super-heavyweight cameo on 30 Rock (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). What a way to cap of two terms as Vice President of the mightiest and most noble nation on the planet?

Come on, Gore (The Corsair expectorates loudly), snap out of it! We know it is fun to make tons of money and not be caught up in the DC spotlight working for peanuts, but America needs you (Or, increasingly, perhaps America needs Bill Richardson).

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