Monday, June 04, 2007

Meditation on The CNN Democrat Debate

It was indeed difficult to recognize Wolf Blitzer who, at last night's CNN Presidential debate uncharacteristically played hardball. Blitzer, as we have noted in the past, has tossed more soft balls in his career than Clay Aiken.

But Wolf threw fire last night, hitting the candidates soft underbelly (Eew), rankling, getting them to expose their positions openly and -- dare we say it? -- shredding spin, actually doing honor to his given surname (Heartfelt apologies to Brian Lamb, our favorite magnum of chloroform). National geographic would be proud.

Some observations:

--Hillary and John Edwards no like each other (Is it about make-or-break-Iowa?).
--Elizabeth Kucinich is, by DC standards, a "long, cold drink of water."
--Were Hillary's effusive compliments of Bill Richardson a secret "You'd-Make-a-nice-Secretary-of-State" Valentine?
--Joe Biden's cri-du-coeur on the Darfur genocide compelled us to forgive him for condescendingly calling Senator Obama "clean, articulate, bright."
--Bill Richardson got stronger as the night went longer.
--Chris Dodd, a long shot at best for the Presidency, made a total ass of himself saying he would not support a US boycott of the Chinese Olympic games if they didn't stop supporting the Darfur genocide in a Democratic party debate.

Not bad for the wait for "the Sopranos"

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