Monday, June 04, 2007

Media-Whore's D'oevres


"Howard (Stern) read a story about Bijou (Phillips) getting into a fight with another girl one time .. Howard read that she got into a fight with Naomi Campbell as well. Bijou said that was true and that was because she had been calling Sean Lennon and leaving messages for him. She said she ended up getting into Naomi's face and scared her. Howard said that chick is the wrong one to mess with. Bijou agreed." (Marksfriggin)

"Our favorite element was that grim hideout at the end, with Tony left to cuddle in bed with his own gun, a detail Melfi might have relished if she hadn't been too busy scurrying away from the scene of her own crime. After seven years, she's concluded that she is a dupe and an enabler. So motivated by — what? Pique? Fear? Shame? — she takes it out on her patient, delivering the cold Freudian version of a targeted whacking. In the end, though, she gives Tony his own shot: a well-earned therapeutic punch line. 'As a doctor,' he tells her as he goes out the door, 'I think what you're doing is immoral.'" (EmilyNussbaum)

"Many women at the Los Angeles County jail where Paris Hilton is expected to arrive any day are already angry at the socialite, a former inmate said.
Susannah Johnson, who was released Saturday after a one-day stay at the jail, said inmates were angry at Hilton, believing officials were making room for the starlet at the expense of other inmates already coping with crowded conditions in the 2,200-bed jail. 'The only advice I could give her when she comes is to shut her mouth and do the time,' said Johnson, 35, of Claremont." (Britbart via Drudge)

"According to conservative columnist Robert Novak, Rep. Jerry Lewis will not be seeking re-election to his San Bernardino County-based district. If he retired, it would mark the end of a near-30 year House career as one of Congress’ leading appropriators. Lewis served as House Appropriations Committee Chairman from 2004-2006, and is now the committee’s ranking member. He would also be the first member that Democrats have targeted as ethically challenged to step down." (Politico)

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