Saturday, June 02, 2007

Is Governor Richardson in Political Meltdown?

His astonishing political CV notwithstanding, the conventional wisdom among the DC Chattering Classes is that after a disastrous "Meet the press" appearance, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's Presidential campaign has exhausted itself if, indeed, it ever even had any jet propulsion to begin with. The Corsair will admit that the Richardson campaign has about it an improvisational, undisciplined quality about it, and a central theme has yet to be even established. Our favorite Dickensian villain, Robert Novak, of course, is one of the many in today's NYPost:

"NEW Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson's declining prospects for moving up from the lower tier of Democratic presidential candidates hit bottom after Tim Russert's grilling on NBC's 'Meet the Press' last Sunday.

"As the only sitting governor and Hispanic-American running for president, Richardson earlier this year appeared an excellent prospect for vice president and a presidential dark horse. But the same insiders who were interested in Richardson in January saw him stumbling in May and have fallen away.

"He may have been done in by what old hands say may be the worst 'Meet the Press' showing of all time. He seemed unprepared for Russert's questions on Iraq, immigration, gun control and his own record, culminating in his declaring he is simultaneously a Red Sox and a Yankee fan. Old Richardson-watchers say he has been flying by the seat of his pants his whole career, and this time crashed and burned."

How many people actually saw Richardson's appearance, though? Not including political junkies? Not that many, even with the advance of DVRs to bolster the anemic Sunday Morning political junkie contingent. The race is still early with things not heating up in earnest until September. To the political junkies, Richardson is not doing well, but to most Americans -- they simply don't know any of the second tier Democrat Party candidates. yet.

His political pluses are massive: He has won statewide elections in New Mexico, a red-state; He is Hispanic, part of a population that the Republican Party has been courting since 2000; He has impeccable diplomatic credentials in an era where America is low on soft power; Dictators listen to him in an era where Dictators are on a race for "The Bomb."

And let's not forget The Governor's resume.

Richardson is the most qualified man to run for the President ever, with the possible exceptions of George HW Bush and John Quincy Adams. On second thought .. Richardson might not want to bring up those two names as superlative examples of what political experiences can bring to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


  1. Richardson has never been loved the the Chattering Classes because he doesn't pander to them. The Dayton Accords were dismissed almost out of hand, IIRC.

    That Bill Richardson is in the race, with Hillary Rodham Clinton guarantees fireworks. I'm fairly sure that there's no love lost between HRC and Richardson, and would look to the Clinton camp -- in spite of what Richardson did for President Clinton -- as a source for negative comments

  2. I'm a big Richardson fan, scory. My dream ticket is Gore-Richardson on the theme of "Competence."
