Saturday, June 02, 2007

Al Gore's Assault on Reason Debuts at Number One

Possibly-Maybe Presidential candidate Al Gore's new book weighing in on America's assault on reason debuts at the top spot on the NYTimes Bestseller list. All he needs now is a Nobel Prize. From MyDD via HuffPo:

"Al Gore's new book, The Assault on Reason, has been pinned at the top of Amazon's non-fiction #1 non-fiction book from the day it was released last week. Word has now hit the street that The Assault on Reason will debut on the NYT's non-fiction best-seller list at #1 this coming Sunday."


  1. I just got my copy, JA. This should be good reading. i love how he grounds Hobbesian-Machiavellian Fear politics in its neuroscientific basis. Gore is amazing.

  2. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Now if Al Gore can run for presidency...

    Time Magazine just published an article titled "Last Temptation of Al Gore."

    The article summarizes why Al will not run. In one line: Al would not run because if he returns to politics, he cannot pursue the work he has been passionately involved with.

    When I read this article, I also found his new book, The Assault on Reason.

    I really like what his is doing and hope that the U.S. will take lead against global warming or at least replicate the fervor that Al Gore has.

    Movements are created by leaders.
