Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Diane Sawyer to Bring "Poised, Creamy Insincerity" to Pyongyang

"Budger of history-- Brake of time --You --Bomb/
Toy of universe ---Grandest of all snatched sky"

Gregory Corso, Bomb


The long suffering North Koreans will have to make due with the poised, creamy insincerity of Diane "Damn, That's Some Salty Chili" Sawyer in addition to The Bomb, and a dictator who likes to slurp Johnny Walker.

-- And while we are on the subject: Why do all Third World dictators love Johnny Walker scotch whiskey? Did Johnny Walker scotch throw beaucoup marketing dollars in the early 70s into newly independent colonies? Is that how the brown juice flows? Johnny Walker Black is like cashmoney at military checkpoints and roadblocks throughout sub-Saharan Africa, just so you know.

But back to Diane Sawyer, says TVNewser:

"David Westin's work has paid off again: Diane Sawyer is being allowed to report from North Korea beginning tomorrow. She co-hosted Good Morning America from Beijing this morning.

"'Tuesday we'll take you inside the mystery of this ancient culture, a nation locked away from the world, now wielding weapons of mass destruction ..'"

No doubt she said this in the same breathy voice that rendered the priapic Warren Beatty and the doughy-faced Ambassador Richard Holbrook into putty.

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