Thursday, February 16, 2006

Paul Haggis Busts Open His Head (Is Cronenberg Laughing?)


The disgusting vooddoo of David Cronenberg. (image via double-whammy)

Usually when Liz Smith writes about Gore she is referring to Vidal. Not the case today, sadly. (Averted Gaze) We have no doubt that Paul Haggis' sanguinary mishhap has the signature of his directorial nemesis the ultra-creepy David Cronenberg behind it. Who else but the man who all but threatened Haggis with grievous bodily harm over the stealing the title of the film "Crash" could have a hand -- however veiled -- in this thusness. According to Liz:

"CRASH! That is the title of perhaps the most thought-provoking film nominated for Best Picture. It is also the sound made when the director of 'Crash,' Paul Haggis, walked through a glass door at the Beverly Hilton Hotel the other day. He had been talking to fans and well-wishers and didn't realize where he was headed. Although dripping blood from a gash in his forehead, Haggis did not cancel his taping of AMC's 'Sunday Morning Shootout,' which is a lively round-table discussion.

"Haggis dashed to his doctor, got stitched up, and sat down like a trouper with the show's hosts Peter Guber and Peter Bart, bandaged but articulate. This edition of 'Sunday Morning Shoot Out' airs Feb. 26 at 11 a.m."

Somewhere -- someplace -- dank and fetid David Cronenberg is twisting his very own Paul Haggis disgusting voodoo doll (tm), legs akimbo, rocking himself back and forth in rhythm with the rolling tides of black water hugging the hazy shore.

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