Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pam Anderson Suffers From Exhaustion


A "reinvigorated" Pam at Fashion Week. (image via aol)

Pam Anderson is suffering from exhaustion. Of course she is. Poor dear. Imagine having to shlep through all of last week's Fashion shows and boozefests with a brand new infusion of silicon. Pam contains more silicon than a semiconductor. According to theSun:

"The 38-year-old actress/model has been ordered to rest after pulling out of promotional activities for M&Ms in Australia on Monday.


(image via aol)

"According to publicity director Jillian Bowen, Pamela could not carry on, as she was 'literally suffering from exhaustion.'

"The busty blonde, who also appeared to be suffering from severe jet lag, said: 'I need a drink and some pills. I am a little sick of myself, but other than that I am fine.'"

And a backbrace, Pam --sotto voce: a backbrace.

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