Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Look Homeward, Angel

Although WB mainstay Angel celebrated 100 episodes just last week, the show has been cancelled. Things move faster in tv than a demon out of Hellmouth. According to Medialifemagazine.com:

"There has been talk of special movie events next year, but nothing has been confirmed. Angel�s ratings are up more than 20 percent this year among adults 18-49, one of just two WB dramas to rise, but they are still relatively low. The WB evidently didn�t see many long-term prospects for the show, which was barely renewed last season."

Too bad. It was a surprise. Even the Watch with Kristin online gossip column wasn't aware. In a Friday column, she interviewed the show's vamp David Boreanaz:

Kristin: One hundred episodes. Must feel good.

Boreanaz: Yes. I never imagined the show getting to 100 episodes. I only imagined getting the work done that was in front of me. When we started this journey four and a half seasons ago, David Greenwalt and Joss Whedon were like, 'One down, 99 to go,' and I was like, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa--I need to focus on this scene we're shooting on the rooftop.' And here we are. "

And there he went. Oh, the shadenfreude is thick. And so, on that elegiacal note, we leave you with a smattering of Thomas Wolfe -- the wolfman, if you will, that long forgotten American author of upper-middlebrow sapiness:

"As they walked townward, he tried to talk, explaining himself in babbling incoherent spurts.
�'It was like this,' he began, 'if I had known, but at that time I didn�t�of course I know it was my own fault for�

�'Oh, for God�s sake!' said Ben impatiently. 'Dry up! I don�t want to hear about it. I�m not your damned Guardian Angel.'

"The news was comforting. So many people, after our fall from grace, are."


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