Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Goodbye Libby Callaway

As Sex and the City winds down like those melancholy breezes that frequent Charlie Brown tv specials, those stylish and independent New York women that break our hearts (and we still love them for it) will have another loss to overcome as New York Post's uber-cute fashion editor, rural Appalachia-born Libby Calloway is headed back to the Bush red states.

Here's the sad scoop according to WWD's Greg Lindsay:

"Fashion Week is finally over, and for Libby Callaway, even more so. The New York Post�s fashion editor is leaving the tents and heading home to Tennessee � by this time next month, she�ll be editing the Life section at The Nashville Tennessean. While the paper�s fashion coverage will fall under her purview, don�t expect to see her at Bryant Park next season. 'I had an epiphany last fall,' she said. 'It was: Oh, I don�t have to be here anymore. I see myself living another life, with a backyard and a Volvo station wagon in the driveway.' The Post has not yet chosen her replacement."

But Callaway is replacing her Manolo's for caterpillar's. Callaway, incidentally once had an incident with her Manolo Blahnik shoes, according to an interview with Mediabistro:

"The cast I wore after breaking my wrist in a Manolo Blahnik�related incident on some wet subway stairs. (It happened on my birthday last April, as I was on my way to dinner with friends � can it get better than that?) I refused to let anyone sign it, until I got an offer from fashion cartoonist Marisa Acocella, whom I've recently become friends with (what a peach!). So, one night at the bar at Raoul's, she drew the face of a woman with her eyebrow raised and the following: 'I've heard of killer shoes, but this is ridiculous!' I made my doctor be very careful with his saw so I could keep the cartoon intact. Hopefully it will make me a very rich woman on eBay someday. (Just kidding, Marisa!)"

Well, breaking one's wrist on Manolo's is not as bad as, say, breaking teeth in Balenciaga boots, like that sexy distant relative of Madame de Sevigny, Chloe Sevigne. All fashion is pain; Libby is getting while the gettings still good. Ah, Libby, sweetheart, we never got to deliver our sexiest "your dad must be a terrorist because you are tha bomb!" Cutty Sark-infused lines on you. The Corsair wishes Libby the best of luck and a great career in newspapers.

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