"David Koch is steaming. 'It's hateful. It's ludicrous. And it's plain wrong.' The object of his ire is a 9,963 word story in The New Yorker magazine, published last week which accuses David, his brother Charles, and Koch Industries of … well, just about everything: Secretly funding the Tea Party movement, secretly manipulating the Smithsonian, along with, not-so-secretly polluting the planet, stealing oil from Native American land, denying the existence of climate change, and promoting carcinogens—all in the self-interest of making further billions. Another profile in July, this one in New York Magazine, described Koch as 'the Tea Party’s wallet.' The news alert that a businessman with a personal net worth estimated at nearly $18 billion might wield political influence seems to have shocked, shocked, the media. Cue Rachel Maddow, who went on a televised tear, and the rest is Twitter. Perhaps this wasn’t the Pentagon Papers, but it seemed that there had been an unraveling of sorts—after all, the title of last week’s New Yorker piece was 'Covert Operations.'" (TheDailyBeast)
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