Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lunch at Michaels

I just got back from a wonderful Bloody Mary fueled lunch at Michaels with fellow international man of mystery Euan Rellie. I've known Euan as a digital personality for probably close to ten years, but only recently met him in person and so it feels as if I've known him for quite some time (which I have, but only superficially). The always awesome Steve Millington noted that we were an odd pairing. There is some truth to that, but in essence Euan and I have quite a lot in common, including political centrism, an international background, parents that were involved with international organizations, difficult to pronounce names and a love of all things media-related. 

Michael's during the holidays is one of my favorite places in the city. The holiday music creates an almost fugue-like state as the media luminaries -- acquaintances old and new --   socialize and eat. It is very close to a club, and during the holidays the club gets quite festive.

Spotted among the media luminaries: David Zinczenko, Elliot Spitzer, Boaty Boatwright, radiant birthday girl Julie Macklowe, Paul Wlmot and Mayor of Michaels Joe Armstrong.

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