"There was an unexpected hitch yesterday in Naomi Campbell’s planned lavish bash in India for billionaire boyfriend Vladimir Doronin’s 50th birthday. Sources tell us a plane full of guests including British developer Nick Candy and his new wife, singer and actress Holly Valance, were unexpectedly held up in Dubai en route to Jodhpur, Rajasthan. One source said, 'Some of the guests were held for 24 hours, something to do with the plane being stuck on the tarmac. Holly was sending out messages to friends on Facebook saying they were stuck in Dubai.' Guests who did arrive without delays included Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson and music producer Quincy Jones. More than 10 chartered planes are believed to have flown about 200 guests to India from New York, Moscow and London. Guests will be staying at the luxurious Umaid Bhawan Palace Hotel and the party will be held at the 15th century Mehrangarh Fort. According to local reports, the dinner will be held at the Daulat Khana, a gallery that contains art treasures and artifacts, and then Diana Ross will perform in the courtyard. The supermodel and Doronin have been dating since 2008. Yesterday her spokesperson denied reports there would be an elephant polo match during the two-day celebrations." (PageSix)
"If you leave me now/ You'll take away the biggest part of me/ Ooo oh, no, baby please don't go"
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Media-Whore D'Oeuvres
"There was an unexpected hitch yesterday in Naomi Campbell’s planned lavish bash in India for billionaire boyfriend Vladimir Doronin’s 50th birthday. Sources tell us a plane full of guests including British developer Nick Candy and his new wife, singer and actress Holly Valance, were unexpectedly held up in Dubai en route to Jodhpur, Rajasthan. One source said, 'Some of the guests were held for 24 hours, something to do with the plane being stuck on the tarmac. Holly was sending out messages to friends on Facebook saying they were stuck in Dubai.' Guests who did arrive without delays included Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson and music producer Quincy Jones. More than 10 chartered planes are believed to have flown about 200 guests to India from New York, Moscow and London. Guests will be staying at the luxurious Umaid Bhawan Palace Hotel and the party will be held at the 15th century Mehrangarh Fort. According to local reports, the dinner will be held at the Daulat Khana, a gallery that contains art treasures and artifacts, and then Diana Ross will perform in the courtyard. The supermodel and Doronin have been dating since 2008. Yesterday her spokesperson denied reports there would be an elephant polo match during the two-day celebrations." (PageSix)
"There was an unexpected hitch yesterday in Naomi Campbell’s planned lavish bash in India for billionaire boyfriend Vladimir Doronin’s 50th birthday. Sources tell us a plane full of guests including British developer Nick Candy and his new wife, singer and actress Holly Valance, were unexpectedly held up in Dubai en route to Jodhpur, Rajasthan. One source said, 'Some of the guests were held for 24 hours, something to do with the plane being stuck on the tarmac. Holly was sending out messages to friends on Facebook saying they were stuck in Dubai.' Guests who did arrive without delays included Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson and music producer Quincy Jones. More than 10 chartered planes are believed to have flown about 200 guests to India from New York, Moscow and London. Guests will be staying at the luxurious Umaid Bhawan Palace Hotel and the party will be held at the 15th century Mehrangarh Fort. According to local reports, the dinner will be held at the Daulat Khana, a gallery that contains art treasures and artifacts, and then Diana Ross will perform in the courtyard. The supermodel and Doronin have been dating since 2008. Yesterday her spokesperson denied reports there would be an elephant polo match during the two-day celebrations." (PageSix)
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