Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lunch at Michaels

This afternoon I had lunch at Michaels with NYSocialDiary's David Patrick Columbia, our favorite social chronicler. As I entered, a very trim Richard Belzer -- of Law & Order and progressive political views -- was making his way to his table with General Manager Steve Millington. He was definitley the big cat in the jungle today. David Patrick Columbia and I spoke of many things, mostly politics and media, our favorite subjects. DPC is always interesting and full of interesting insider information about a great many things. He is also one of the people I might not have ever met if not for this site, which has been going on over 6 years now.

Also in the house: Jonathan Tisch, Henry Schleiff, Lally Weymouth, sexy Maria Bartiromo -- all decked out in earthy browns, Jay McInerney (didn't actually see him, so engrossed in conversation w/ DPC, but I'll take the Michael's Twitter feeds word for it),

Stylish Quest publisher/mogul Chris Meigher and the adorable Pamela Gross stopped by the table, raving about the Roscoe the Dog-Suryia viral video. Although I've seen both at Michael's this was the first time I met them.

The conversation ranged from Afghanistan, Picasso, the global economy, my new gig at Vital Business media, the Clintons, frustrations with the Obama administration and the digitization of legacy print media. As we were leaving, Michael's proprietor Michael L. McCarty gave us an impromptu demonstration of the iPads that will (are?) on the tables at breakfast and the subscriptions to the essential daily media sites (WSJ, FT, NYPost, etc). Me, David and Michael L. McCarty -- talk about media powerhouses -- tried, but despite all of our collective sophistication, were collectively unable to get NYSocialDiary as one of Michaels iPad icon. Never fear: Jeff, DPC's tech guru, is on the case.

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