Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Some Observations on the Oscar Nominations

(image via thewrap)

1) Wait a second ... "The Blind Side" gets a Best Picture nomination and Tom Ford's amazing "A Single Man" gets nothing? WTF!

2) How did Inglorious Basterds get a nod for Best Picture? Is Harvey Weinstein sucking the Devil's cock?

3) The Hurt Locker was duly rewarded for its brilliance. Too bad Katherine Bigelow and James Cameron didn't stay together. She made the best film of last year and He made the most successful. Nor That would have been a Hollywood power couple.

4) Anne Hathaway's flippant reading of the nominees lacked the proper respect for what can only be properly construed as The Gay Superbowl (TM).

5) If I hear Jason Reitman's thoroughly annoying story of how it took ten years to write the so-so final screenplay of the so-so "Up In The Air," I will -- and I do not say this lightly -- shoot myself. Enough with that already.

6) Who or what the fuck, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is a "Crazy Heart"?

7) There are a lot of fucking TV movies getting juice at this year's Oscars: Matt Damon and Morgan freeman in Invictus (so much made for TV movie that they should have been nominated for Emmys), The Blind Side and Inglourious Basterds.

8) Tom Ford and David Scearce didn't get a nod for best Adapted screenplay from Christopher Isherwood's book of the same name?! Is there no Justice?

9) Am I the only one that LOVES that "District 9" got a Best Picture nod? That Gabourey Sidibe got nominated for Best Actress?

10) It appears that Vanity Fair's Hollywood "Class of 2010" is segregated. Someone ought to inform the chaps at that Conde Nast monthly about Brown v. Board of Education (Averted Gaze).

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