Thursday, August 06, 2009

Barney Frank and Dana Rohrbacher Embrace Surfing Bipartisanship

Cowabunga, Congressman! The air in Washington may be thick with partisanship, but we are all brothers in the wetsuit in the face of a tasty wave. There is no Congressional seniority when kamikaziing a honker. And in the face of August recess, where the filibusters stop the gnarlacious anklebusters begin. A week after watching From Politico:

"Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a staunchly conservative Republican from Southern California, has invited (Massachusetts Congressman Barney)Frank and his partner, Jim Ready, to ply the waves with him later this month.

".. Frank’s office confirms that the Massachusetts Democrat and his partner have accepted Rohrabacher’s invitation, but nobody will say much more than that.

".. Rohrabacher said he broached the idea with Frank at a function not long ago, after Ready had told him of their shared interest in hanging ten. The congressman heads the three-person Congressional Surfing Caucus, which includes fellow California Republicans Brian Bilbray and Duncan Hunter.

"Hunter is quick to note that his fellow surfing cohorts are longboarders and jabs: 'I wouldn’t exactly call that surfing.'

"Nevertheless, whatever you call the activity itself, you can call the Frank-Rohrabacher gathering an example of some true beach-based bipartisanship. Aside from their agreement on the issue of medical marijuana, the two members are on fairly diametric ends of the political spectrum."

Fer sure. Surfing is enjoying something of a Renaissance. Everyone nowadays is talking about the past time as American as Gidget reruns. Last week Paper magazine thew an incredible block party in Williamburg screening the surf documentary Dear and Yonder. And last week on his Sirius satellite radio show Howard Stern revealed that he deeply regrets that he never took up surfing.

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