Thursday, June 04, 2009

Sir Ridley Scott Embraces Web With Bladerunner Prequel

Bladerunner endueres because it is almost too good to be considered science-fiction. The cynical design aesthetic, the ethics of technology -- everything about Sir Ridley Scott's masterpiece surpasses the genre most often associated with geeks speaking Klingon. From The New York Times:

"Here is some news that will make fans of the 1982 science-fiction cult film 'Blade Runner' shudder with either anticipation or trepidation.

"On Thursday the film’s director, Ridley Scott, announced that a new division of his commercials company, RSA Films, was working on a video series called 'Purefold.' The series of linked 5- to 10-minute shorts, aimed first at the Web and then perhaps television, will be set at a point in time before 2019, when the Harrison Ford movie takes place in a dystopian Los Angeles.

Mr. Scott, his brother Tony and his son Luke are developing the project in conjunction with the independent studio Ag8, which is run by one of the creators of 'Where are the Joneses?' a British Web sitcom that solicited storyline suggestions from the audience. Similarly, 'Purefold' will harvest story input from its viewers, in conjunction with the social media site FriendFeed."

It seems only natural in retrospect that Bladrunner would find a home online.

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