Monday, April 06, 2009

Howard Stern At 'Paul McCartney & Friends: Change Begins Within'

(image via kollegedaily)

That David Lynch concert raising funds for teaching at-risk youths meditation techniques took place over the weekend, with Howard Stern -- ?! -- as a featured speaker. From

"The 'Paul McCartney & Friends: Change Begins Within' concert was discussed at length today on The Howard Stern Show. The concert, which happened this weekend, is the brain child of film director David Lynch. Lynch put on the show in an effort to raise money to teach inner-city kids the benefits of Transcendental Meditation. Howard Stern has been meditating for 38 years. He learned about the benefits of TM through his mother who says TM saved her life.

"Howard spoke at the event. He said he hoped the people at the concert liked what he had to say. He said it's hard to be a speaker at a concert where people only really want to hear great music. He said after his part, he went out to his seat and watched the rest of the concert. Howard raved about how amazing the concert was and how great it was to see Paul McCartney and Ringo Star perform together. He said they're still amazing and relevant."

On the music side, at the concert Eddie Vedder and Ben Harper performed Queen and David Bowie’s Under Pressure

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