Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lunch At Michaels

Fellow Michaels-ologist Diane Clehane's Lunch at Michaels -- weekly, Wednesdays, in FishbowlNY -- has an interesting bunch. Perhaps the media social butterflies are returning to their power tables from the warmer climes for the Spring? Clehane, always good with the insider angle starts things off, "Before things really got going, I checked in with 'Mayor' Joe Armstrong, who is keeping good thoughts for his pal Robin Williams as he undergoes heart surgery. It was Joe, you may recall, who first brought Robin to Michael's all those years ago for a lunch with Bill Clinton, which made headlines far and wide and even wound up being discussed on David Letterman."

At Table 4 were Liz Smith and Oscar nominee Frank Langella (way to power move, Liz). And at Table 5, "Sports Illustrated's Terry McDonnell and Tim Arango." At Table 6, "Showtime's main man Matt Blank presiding over a table full of folks we didn't get to meet (They looked very important from afar)." Table 8, "Republican booster Georgette Mosbacher (sporting some serious sunglasses) with a table full of gals including Deb Grubman."

For the full list here.

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